How to Think Originally

published at: January 28, 2025 modified at: February 7, 2025

How to think more creatively and develop original ideas

We all want to think more creatively and develop original ideas, but how? After watching an insightful video by Odysseas, I’ve been reflecting on five key habits that can transform how we think. Let me share them with you in my own words.

First, we need to be more selective about what we feed our minds. Think of your brain like a garden – if you plant the same seeds as everyone else, you’ll grow the same flowers. Instead of reaching for those popular self-help books that everyone’s reading, try exploring different genres, unusual topics, or overlooked classics. Your unique collection of knowledge will naturally lead to original thoughts.

Second, and this one really hit home for me, we need to create space for thinking. We’re all guilty of constantly consuming content – jumping from podcasts to videos to articles. I myself am guilty of this. But here’s the thing: our minds need quiet time to process everything we learn. It’s like trying to have a conversation while everyone’s talking at once. Sometimes, we need to just sit with our thoughts and let them develop.

The third habit is beautifully simple: get out and experience life. It’s funny how we often look for inspiration while sitting at our desks, staring at screens. Real inspiration comes from living – walking through a busy street, traveling to new places, or even just having a genuine conversation with someone different from us. The world is full of inspiration if we just step out to find it.

Fourth, don’t wait for the perfect moment to create. Start now, start messy, just start. I’ve found this to be incredibly true – the act of creating something, anything, generates more ideas than just thinking about creating ever could. Each small step forward opens up new possibilities you couldn’t see before.

Finally, embrace what makes you different. Your unique combination of interests and experiences is your superpower. Maybe you’re the only person who loves both quantum physics and knitting, or medieval history and hip-hop. These unusual combinations are exactly what lead to the most original ideas.

Remember, original thinking isn’t about reinventing everything – it’s about seeing the world through your unique lens and having the courage to share that perspective with others.